How to block palmpay and other loan calls

How to block palmpay and other loan calls was a recent email we received from one of our followers, It has come to our notice that thousands of Nigerians own palmpay and other loan companies.
Several emails have been sent daily legit from our fans that palmpay and other loan apps keep calling them, someone on this loan will call you and start embarrassing you with bad words from their mouth. This has made a lot of people abandon their hotline and get another Sim card. Some even remove their sim from phones and break it all because of this palmpay loan. If you fall on this and you have been panic not to abandoning or break your hotline, be happy today because we have solutions to this problem “Stop the loan app to call your number automatically” Moreover, we recently drop some tips on How to block loan apps from calling your contacts which you may also need.

If you have removed your sim card from your phone because of palmpay or any other loan, just go back now and insert your sim into your phone back, so far you are using an Android phone.

How to block palmpay and other loan calls

how to block palmpay loan app call

To do this, you need a single Android application which is called TRUE CALLER– with this app, you will be able to block any call from any loan app for calling your number.

How to start

Go to play store to download True Caller’s latest version and install it, once you are done with that, you need to register it with an email or phone No.
The true caller has premium but you don’t need it before you perform this automatically blocked.
Now open the true caller app and locate settings, under the setting, you will see the block, click on it to view more options.
Now, you need to set three 3 these here.

No one is to On block Top spammers secondly, turn on the Block Hidden Number, and lastly just go down a little bit, you will see How to block calls and set it to Reject Automatically.
You maybe wonder how true call will recognize those loan customers’ care no, one thing you may not know is that thousands of people have reported those no before and the true caller will always see them as spam, once they are trying to call you, true call will block them automatically without ringing or appear on your phone.

There is another option there which allows you to receive calls from your contacts list only but we didn’t recommend this option because you may miss an important call as well especially if you are a businessman.
If you have anything that you want us to solve for you, just drop it in the comments section and one of our team will provide the solution as soon as possible. Thank you for choosing, we are always here to provide legit information to our readers.

8 thoughts on “How to block palmpay and other loan calls”

  1. I am having issues with one of this stubborn loan sharks called “SPARKCREDIT”! Because of 2 days default due to my phone theft last friday then coulndnt download the app again.Just to find out that its not allowed on iphone again and i promised to pay over the weekend so after i pleaded, they still went ahead sending messages to my contact and high interest on default payment.Please i need an advise on how to quickly stop this madness so i can pay them back next week.

    1. You don’t need to panic, borrow online loan is not a sin, 90% of your contact they are calling also borrow online loan.
      If the app is till on your phone, just denied their access to your contact and you can’t do that, just relax and enjoy your life, nothing do you

  2. Pingback: How to block loan apps from calling your contacts

  3. I borrowed money from new credit and couldn’t meet up just yesterday but their disturbance is too much today, calls and WhatsApp message please what do I do

    1. I have been telling you this, borrow money is not a sin and shame, even country use to borrow money, so don’t be panic. just download truecaller app, and use it to block spam call.

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