Step-by-Step Guide to Quickly Creating a Blog

Firstly, before someone starts something, you need to understand it first so that you will be able to understand where you are going to. According to daily legit experience with full research, The blog is just an abbreviation that is mostly used, but the full term is a weblog. A blog is a place on the Internet created for sharing some ideas and information like news, for example, Blogging is one of the most famous hobbies all over the world that people use to make some income, especially youth.

A blog can include images and video also a text and a reader can drop his/her comment under the blog post after finishing reading the blog post.

Who is a blogger?

A Blogger is someone who chooses a blog as his/her hobby, going out to gather some information and share it to the Internet through blogging. Every blogger has his/ her own personal way of gathering information for his or her readers, so based on entertainment news only while some are based on lifestyle, some health insurance, etc.

How to create your own blog: step by step

Creating a blog by yourself is a good idea that we daily legit recommend daily for all our readers because asking someone to do that for you may be another challenge for you in the future. Let’s quickly make a scenario from Mr Samuel Monday King the CEO of the Success Way Media concept.

I’m Samuel by name from Osun State, Graduated from Osun State College of Technology Esa Oke, here are some challenges I faced when I started an online business”

“In 2017, I paid 30 thousand naira to create a blog in other to make some income, but after paying the 30 thousand naira, they asked me to pay another 25 thousand for Nigeria Adsense or 45 thousand for USA Adsense in other to make money on it”. You may not understand what Adsense means but I will explain that later

He continued “At this time, I didn’t have much money to pay for Adsense, so I started posting news on my blog for 1 YEAR till the blog expired
At this time, I didn’t give up, I decided to get another blog in wish I paid 25 thousand because I love blogging but anything you love to do that didn’t bring any income may collapse at any time” said Samuel Monday

He proceeded “After 9 months, Google gave me free Adsense and it is a great day, I started to rejoice that what I suppose to buy 45 thousand was given to me free of charge, Remember that I have 3 months left for my blog to expire after the 3 months I must renew it if I don’t want to lose it”

“I keep making little money with my Adsense but I couldn’t make 100 dollars before the blog expired So I decided to call someone who created the blog, to help me renew the blog so I won’t lose the money and Adsense, But unfortunately, when the guy saw Adsense on the blog, he has me to pay what I don’t expect. He said I should pay 35 thousand if I need to renew the blog. what a sad day, and I can’t renew it by myself since I’m not the one who created the blog”

I started thinking, if I started making 1000 dollars on this blog, this guy may even ask me what I can’t avoid or even block me and start controlling my blog. I decided to learn how to create a blog”

“That is how I become boss of myself, Now I tell you that I have made more than the money I spent today, I create a blog for people and collect my money I create this blog @ 5 thousand and sold it 28 thousand” said by Samuel Monday.

Now, you will see that, creating a blog by yourself, you will have full access and control of your blog in the near future, you may hire someone to do the setup for you but everything is still under you.

how to create a blog

  • Firstly you need a niche
    What is a niche?
    Before someone creates a blog, you must have something in mind that you want the blog for, for example, you may like to use it for entertainment or affiliate marketing.

Here are some niche

  • Entertainment
  • Sport
  • Affiliate
  • News
  • Lifestyle and fitness

You can get more on Google search
So if you are good at entertaining them your niche is entertainment
If you are good at sports, then your niche is sports, that is your blog will be based on sports news

Step 2

The next step is to find the perfect domain name
What is a domain name?
This is the address name of our Web site E.g, etc
We advise you to choose a name that is related to your niche for example, if you want to create a sports blog, then choose something like this:,, etc

Note that, someone may have chosen the domain name before, so you have to choose another one.

Step 3

After choosing your domain name, the next step is to register your domain and buy your hosting
There are a lot of companies that offer different hosting packages with different price

  • DomainKing
  • Harmonweb
  • Godaddy
  • Host4afrian

In this article, we are using Harmonweb as we recommend this to people because they offer the cheapest hosting and good service, we host all our blogs with them.

You only need one account with harmonies to get started, firstly click harmonweb registration to register for free

After clicking the link, you will see the register button on up corner side. Then click it to start filling out the form.

Hosting register

The Most important thing is, to use ur real email that you can access it on your phone
Because all your details will be sent to your email.
After the registration, whenever you want to pay for your hosting and domain, just sign in with your email and password.

Image demonstration

Step 1

Step by step how to create a blog

Click 1 as shown above picture to open the menu, and click 2,  which is services. They click 3, which is an order for new services. Wait to load…

Step 2

Buy hosting for your blog

After loading step 1, them you will arrive at this page, where you will see the stater plan, business plan, etc.  Choose the starter plan by clicking order now as shown in the image. Now wait to load to the next page.

Step 3

Buy Domain to create a blog

After step 2 finishes loading, then you will arrive here. Enter your domain name by clicking on 1. Remember that your domain name is the address of your website.


If you want to create a domain name as

Then, just write daily legit

Then click 2 as shown in the picture to add

Then, click Check to see if your domain is available

Step 4

Successful domain register

If you received congratulations! If your domain is available, then you can proceed, by scrolling down and clicking continue but if your domain is not available, then try to enter another domain in other to continue by following step 3 again.

Step 5

Creating blog processing

If you are successful in step 4, then you will arrive here. Here you will be able to change your billing cycle to 12 months in other to get a discount and a free domain name. After changing this to 12 months, they scroll down and click continue.

Step 6

Create a blog

After successful in step 5, you will arrive here when you scroll down, then click the box to mark DNS management. After that, click continue. Wait to load…

Step 7

Cost of blog in Nigeria

Here you will see the total amount to pay in other to create a blog in Nigeria. If you follow all these steps given to you at, you won’t spend more than 3,850 naira to get a good blog in Nigeria. Click checkout to pay for your blog.

Step 8

Payment method for creating blog

Here is to choose ur payment method, we basically advise our readers to pay with Rave [debit /credit cards]  or Paystack

If you are good at online payment, then choose anyone.

Paystack is easy to pay but the disadvantage is that it may be a long time before receiving your payment, so you have to wait like 4 to 7 days.

But the rave[debit/credit card]  method Is fast, within 30 minutes, your payment will be received.

After clicking on your payment method, then click Complete order. They follow the payment instructions.

Video demonstration on how to create a blog

The video below shows what we have explained with an image. You can watch the video for better understanding.

Thank you for your reading, don’t forget to share this great article on social media in other to help your family and friends learn a new skill. Also, subscribe to this blog with your email.

If you need free personal help from our team, then drop your WhatsApp no in the comment section. One of our team will get back to you within sort of time. Thank you

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